
Monday, May 9, 2016

Ladies...Use Those Intuitive Powers

This label of "women's intuition" has been scorned, scoffed at, blamed, credited, admired, dissected, believed, not believed and mostly credited to women. However, I believe this "unknown something" is secretly envied by most everyone. We describe this as an "it", as a source unknown and hard to believe, yet seems to be accepted as matter-of-fact, non-debatable even highly regarded and not to be questioned. To describe what "it" is, is hard to define.  Women seem to have a sixth sense about when something feels good and right - or doesn't.  Below is a quote by the famous Joyce Brothers about intuition;

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts
filed away just below the conscious level.
- Joyce Brothers

Sometimes the best approach in life to making decisions is to just let go and let your intuition guide you.  Trying to control circumstances can become frustrating or make us more confused.  After all, if you don't know the answer at that time, you just don't know the answer.  Forcing it will not give the right answer either.  Trust your "gut" feeling and let it guide you.  Intuition allows us to see beyond what is showing on the surface.  Once, I'd say around the mid 90's, my then husband wanted to drive to another town to see some friends of ours.  I remember it was on the Fourth of July.  He was bugging me to go for two hours or so, but I just couldn't bring myself to go.  For one, I knew he would be drinking with theses friends.  Now I've driven with him before when he was drinking (should of known better) and nothing happened while he was driving.  But my intuition was desperately nagging at me "do not go".  He finally gave up asking me, hopped on his motorcycle, and went by himself.  Needless to say, four or five hours later, he comes walking in the house banged up - rocks in  his knees, bleeding at the elbows and knees, and other minor scratches.  He lost control of his motorcycle going around a curve.  Needless to say, my intuition was right.  

But how does intuition know when to make itself known in situations? The power of intuition shows us deeper core levels of an individual or situation.  Research on nonverbal skills has clearly shown that women are better at reading emotions and facial expressions, as well as reading situations.  So ladies, trust your instincts.  That intangible sense is there for a reason.

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