
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ladies...Build Up That Confidence & Self-Esteem

Do women who are confident and have high self-esteem stand out in a crowd? Does confidence ooze out of every pore of their body?  The answer is YES.   However, high self-esteem doesn't guarantee the perfect relationship, the perfect job, or promise us we will get everything we feel we deserve.

The confident, brilliant, sexy women that we are knows we are worthy of that trusting and lovable relationship.They don't attach their worth to what a man thinks, and don't feel stressed or anxious when a relationship seems unclear.  Instead, confident women are present in the relationship and enjoy it without fears and nagging doubts.  If a relationship falls apart, don't take it personally.  You are not a flawed person - sometimes things just don't work out.  Realize it wasn't the right relationship for you and move on with your confidence and self-esteem firmly intact. Set personal, healthy boundaries. Prioritize your needs and emotions.  A confident woman with healthy boundaries will not sacrifice or sell themselves short for a misguided relationship.  So bring your fully formed self into any relationship.

Another confident trait in women is believing in yourself to make the right choices.  Wow, this covers so many areas of our lives.  Don't constantly feel conflicted in your choices.  Act on how you feel and what makes you comfortable so you can be your true, authentic self.  If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right for you.  Gut instinct goes a long way, so trust it.  If a relationship is making you unhappy or you are constantly daydreaming about a more fulfilling job, take responsibility, bring that confidence and self-esteem forward and get what you desire.

Ladies, confidence and self-esteem is the most noticeable attribute we have.  It can often be seen in our face and demeanor, even when we may think its not.  Confidence and self-esteem paves the way for so much of what we accomplish in our lives.  Keep building it every day as we can never have enough.  Be proud to possess it and smile within yourself knowing you have it.